中国 电影《一吻定情》的大结局是什么
The conclusion of the Chinese film "One Kiss to Decide" is as follows:
In the end of the movie, Zhang Wei and Xiao Mei finally come together. They stand by the sea as the sun sets, and Zhang Wei decides to confess to Xiao Mei. Zhang Wei says, "Xiao Mei, I have always liked you. I hope we can be together." Xiao Mei is touched and says, "I have always liked you too, Zhang Wei." Then, they embrace each other tightly, sharing their love for each other. Finally, they share a romantic kiss under the sunset.
In this process, Zhang Wei and Xiao Mei also feel the friendship between them. Their friends also wish them well. The movie ends with their sweet date and mutual love.
In general, the conclusion of "One Kiss to Decide" is very romantic and warm, expressing the beauty of youth, love, and friendship.://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //
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