美国/英国 电影《少年追梦情》的大结局是什么
这个电影的结局描述了侦探在追查妹妹失踪过程中,逐渐揭开了一个犯罪组织的阴谋,并利用妹妹的遗产为正义而战的决心。侦探通过妹妹的死,更加坚定了自己的信念,决定继续妹妹的工作,追查更多的犯罪组织,为社会带来更多正义。这个结局表达了侦探对正义的追求和对妹妹的敬意,同时也暗示了侦探将会面临更多的挑战和风险。://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //-->
The movie "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is a crime thriller film that revolves around a young private detective who is trying to find his missing sister. In the process of his search, he gets involved in a complex criminal case. In the end, he finds his sister, but she is already dead. He discovers a USB flash drive in her body, which contains a wealth of information about the criminal organization. With this information, he manages to bring the criminal organization to justice. He also realizes that his sister was killed while investigating the organization. In the end, he decides to continue his sister's work, to pursue more criminal organizations and fight for justice. The ending of the movie shows the detective's pursuit of
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