
悍匪龙志强,在香港回归前,趁香港英政府不作为,而屡犯巨案,先后绑架富豪利家及雷家之长子,勒索超过二十亿元,事主怕被报复, 交赎款后都不敢报警。中国公安部极为关注,与香港警方合力,派香港警员何天卧底潜入龙志强犯罪团伙,发现他正策划绑架澳门富豪贺不凡,最终陆港警察合力勇擒龙志强,救出贺不凡。
中国香港/中国 电影《追龙Ⅱ/追龙2:贼王》的大结局是什么
《追龙Ⅱ/追龙2:贼王》的结局是:龙二(刘德华 饰)在与贼王(吴镇宇 饰)的较量中,虽然力不从人,但他依然顽强地战斗到最后一刻。最终,龙二在贼王的攻击下受伤,然而在即将被捕之际,他被一位神秘女子(张静初 饰)所救。神秘女子将龙二带到一个安全的地方,暗示她可能与龙二有着深厚的渊源。电影以这个悬念结束,留下了观众们许多猜测。
The ending of the movie "Chui Lung II / Chui Lung 2: Thief King" is as follows: Dragon Two (Liu Dehua) in his confrontation with the Thief King (Wu Zhenyu), although he is not strong enough, he still fights to the last moment. Finally, Dragon Two is injured by the Thief King's attack, but at the moment of being arrested, he is rescued by a mysterious woman (Zhang Jingxu). The mysterious woman takes Dragon Two to a safe place, hinting that she may have a deep connection with Dragon Two. The movie ends with this suspense, leaving many speculations for the audience.://>
The ending of the movie "Chui Lung II / Chui Lung 2: Thief King" is as follows: Dragon Two (Liu Dehua) in his confrontation with the Thief King (Wu Zhenyu), although he is not strong enough, he still fights to the last moment. Finally, Dragon Two is injured by the Thief King's attack, but at the moment of being arrested, he is rescued by a mysterious woman (Zhang Jingxu). The mysterious woman takes Dragon Two to a safe place, hinting that she may have a deep connection with Dragon Two. The movie ends with this suspense, leaving many speculations for the audience.://>://>://>://>://>://>龙二在与贼王的较量中,虽然力不从人,但他依然顽强地战斗到最后一刻。最终,龙二在贼王的攻击下受伤,但在即将被
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