
朱迪·丹奇、索菲·库克森将参演谍战题材新片[赤姝谍魅](Red Joan,暂译),影片改编自2014年出版的同名小说,创作灵感来自潜伏在英国最长寿的克格勃女间谍。库克森与丹奇将在片中分别饰演青年和老年时代的女间谍琼。英国知名莎剧导演崔佛·纳恩将执导这部关于信仰、爱情与政局的影片。
英国 电影《红琼/红色密令》的大结局是什么
《红琼》是一部英国电影,讲述了在第二次世界大战期间,英国特工与德国间谍之间的猫鼠游戏。电影的结局是这样的:在电影的最后,艾丽卡(Erika) 被捕,赫克托(Hector) 成功地逃脱。赫克托在逃跑过程中,看到艾丽卡被带走,心里非常痛苦。电影结束时,赫克托站在一片树林里,独自沉思。电影没有明确地告诉我们赫克托后来的命运,但我们可以猜测他可能会继续从事间谍工作,或者选择隐姓埋名,过一种平静的生活。总的来说,电影的结局是开放的,没有给我们提供一个明确的答案。
The conclusion of the British film "Red Joan" is as follows: In the end, Erica is arrested, and Hector successfully escapes. During his escape, Hector sees Erica being taken away, and he is very distressed in his heart. At the end of the film, Hector stands alone in a forest, deep in thought. The film does not explicitly tell us about Hector's fate afterwards, but we can speculate that he may continue his spy work or choose to live a quiet life under a different identity. Overall, the ending of the film is open-ended, without providing us with a clear answer.://>
电影《红琼》的结局没有明确告诉我们赫克托后来的命运,但我们可以猜测他可能会继续从事间谍工作,或者选择隐姓埋名,过一种平静的生活。总的来说,这部电影的结局是开放的,没有给我们提供一个明确的答案。The conclusion of the film "Red Joan" does not explicitly tell us about Hector's fate afterwards, but we can speculate that he may continue his spy work or choose to live a quiet life under a different identity. Overall, the ending of the film is open-ended, without providing us with a clear answer.://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>
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